Men Results
Player HCP College Day 1 Total Day 2 Total Overall Total
Paul Kuperus 4 Concordia 84 83 167
Matt Ohm 5 Concordia 79 90 169
Jeff Ruptash 4 Concordia 90 89 179
Craig Moriyama 9 Concordia 99 86 185
Dustin Nutting 10 Concordia 96 89 185
Chris Tom 10 Concordia 99 90 189
James LeBlanc 5 Keyano 94 84 178
Bobby McLean 7 Keyano 92 92 184
Chris Olson 5 Lakeland 87 83 170
Marty Wiedon 5 Lakeland 89 96 185
Adam Lamoureux 5 Lakeland 96 93 189
Shawn Lyon 5 Lakeland 97 95 192
Corey Kyle 9 Lakeland 95 105 200
Adam Vanderwoulde 2 Nait 83 78 161
Casey Clifton 7 Nait 78 83 161
Scott Charlesworth 3 Nait 87 76 163
Brad Syson 9 Nait 83 91 174
Greg Huska 5 Nait 92 83 175
Jeff Polanski 8 Nait 80 95 175
Mike Malo 4 Nait 94 86 180
Steve Petryshynn 10 Nait 100 83 183
Matt Rogers 10 Portage 97 90 187
John Whitford 12 Portage 100 102 202
#REF! #### #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Johnny Cardinal 14 Portage 116 109 225
#REF! #### #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Jarrett Berard 14 Portage 109 118 227
Women's Results
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