North: AUG, CUCA, GPRC, KC, KING'S, Lakeland, GMU, NAIT
South: BC, Lethbridge, MHC, MRU, RDC, SAIT

  Player Team GP FGM 3PM FTM Pts Avg⁄G
Duce, Morgan Lethbridge 18 80 53 55 374 20.8
Childerhose, Gradyn BC 18 139 1 82 363 20.2
Kong, Bol NAIT 20 66 51 56 341 17.1
McNee, Marcus Lakeland 20 105 6 99 327 16.4
Bates, Andrew GMU 20 122 1 76 323 16.2
  Rose, Jordan Lakeland 16 75 25 98 323 20.2
Coward, Dom Lethbridge 18 123 2 69 321 17.8
Barham, Louis KC 20 116 9 54 313 15.7
Shaw, Adam RDC 18 90 24 59 311 17.3
10  Sir, Ethan CUCA 18 64 33 83 310 17.2
11  Coke, Jamar MHC 16 73 36 52 306 19.1
12  Myers, Matt BC 18 66 43 42 303 16.8
13  Lekas, Sander KINGS 20 72 36 42 294 14.7
14  Bakker, Eric RDC 18 93 17 43 280 15.6
15  Reiter, Logan Lethbridge 18 89 22 35 279 15.5
16  Ness, David AUG 20 73 17 77 274 13.7
17  Peris, Scott SAIT 16 73 26 47 271 16.9
18  Crellin, Clayton NAIT 19 98 11 38 267 14.1
19  Cox, Shane NAIT 18 45 50 22 262 14.6
20  Mozwa, Gerard NAIT 19 71 17 68 261 13.7
21  Shafer, Markus GMU 20 47 47 24 259 13.0
22  Dodd, Cam MRU 18 50 25 82 257 14.3
  Fralick, Reid CUCA 20 55 38 33 257 12.9
24  Brown, Tisaine GPRC 14 67 23 49 252 18.0
25  Sacoman, Christian BC 18 38 46 37 251 13.9
26  Reece, Shane NAIT 18 91 4 54 248 13.8
27  Batterham, Craig KINGS 20 90 0 49 229 11.5
  Burston, Andrew GPRC 20 81 8 43 229 11.5
29  Knight, Joe AUG 20 91 1 38 223 11.2
30  Callaghan, Aloysius SAIT 17 41 39 23 222 13.1


  Player Team GP REBOUNDS Avg⁄G
Coward, Dom Lethbridge 18 220 12.22
Bates, Andrew GMU 20 184 9.20
McNee, Marcus Lakeland 20 167 8.35
Brave Rock, Jesse KC 19 138 7.26
Bakker, Eric RDC 18 133 7.39
Duncan, Nairen MHC 17 130 7.65
  Prijovic, Milos CUCA 20 130 6.50
Martin, Lee AUG 20 129 6.45
  Nelson, Demaine KC 16 129 8.06
10  Myers, Matt BC 18 124 6.89
  Reece, Shane NAIT 18 124 6.89
12  Barham, Louis KC 20 123 6.15
13  Burston, Andrew GPRC 20 122 6.10
14  Knight, Joe AUG 20 121 6.05
15  Kong, Bol NAIT 20 115 5.75
16  Coke, Jamar MHC 16 114 7.13
  Gordon, Fabian SAIT 17 114 6.71
18  Batterham, Craig KING'S 20 113 5.65
  Fralick, Reid CUCA 20 113 5.65
20  Childerhose, Gradyn BC 18 112 6.22
21  Shantz, David AUG 20 109 5.45
22  Kohler, David MHC 17 104 6.12
23  Dowdy, Caleb SAIT 18 101 5.61
24  Keen, Roshean Lakeland 18 99 5.50
25  Reiter, Jordan Lethbridge 18 98 5.44
26  Sir, Ethan CUCA 18 96 5.33
27  Bruney, Shayn AUG 19 92 4.84
28  Crellin, Clayton NAIT 19 91 4.79
29  Dodd, Cam MRU 18 86 4.78
30  Muir, Chris Lakeland 19 84 4.42
  Shafer, Markus GMU 20 84 4.20
ASSIST LEADERS - (North & South)
  Player Team G ASSISTS Avg⁄G
White, Josh SAIT 15 85 5.67
Myers, Matt BC 18 81 4.50
Wolverton, Justin BC 18 79 4.39
Dodd, Cam MRU 18 72 4.00
Sir, Ethan CUCA 18 68 3.78
Peris, Scott SAIT 16 64 4.00
Pierce, Tyler MHC 17 62 3.65
Reiter, Logan Lethbridge 18 61 3.39
Coke, Jamar MHC 16 60 3.75
10  Atwell, Dan GPRC 20 58 2.90
  Fournier, Tyler KING'S 18 58 3.22
  Rose, Jordan Lakeland 16 58 3.63
  Wesolowski, Lance KC 20 58 2.90
14  Wright, Dallas CUCA 20 56 2.80
15  Ness, David AUG 20 53 2.65
  Strickland, Lloyd RDC 18 53 2.94
17  Brown, Tervil GPRC 11 52 4.73
  Coward, Dom Lethbridge 18 52 2.89
  Duce, Morgan Lethbridge 18 52 2.89
  Martin, Dallon Lethbridge 15 52 3.47
21  Bliss, Colby MHC 16 50 3.13
22  Kong, Bol NAIT 20 46 2.30
23  Crellin, Clayton NAIT 19 45 2.37
24  Isaak, Hudson BC 15 44 2.93
  Nicol, Josh GPRC 20 44 2.20
26  Shaw, Adam RDC 18 43 2.39
27  Cusumano, Jacob RDC 18 42 2.33
  Reiter, Jordan Lethbridge 18 42 2.33
29  Dowdy, Caleb SAIT 18 38 2.11
30  Brown, Dominque Lakeland 12 36 3.00
  Mozwa, Gerard NAIT 19 36 1.89
  Yeboah, Damian KING'S 20 36 1.80
STEAL LEADERS - (North & South)
  Player Team GP STEALS Avg⁄G
Bliss, Colby MHC 16 54 3.38
Reece, Shane NAIT 18 53 2.94
Wesolowski, Lance KC 20 48 2.40
Wright, Dallas CUCA 20 46 2.30
Reiter, Logan Lethbridge 18 43 2.39
Atwell, Dan GPRC 20 39 1.95
  Rose, Jordan Lakeland 16 39 2.44
  Strickland, Lloyd RDC 18 39 2.17
Dodd, Cam MRU 18 38 2.11
  Kong, Bol NAIT 20 38 1.90
  Ness, David AUG 20 38 1.90
  Shantz, David AUG 20 38 1.90
  Shaw, Adam RDC 18 38 2.11
14  Coke, Jamar MHC 16 37 2.31
15  Wolverton, Justin BC 18 36 2.00
16  Coward, Dom Lethbridge 18 34 1.89
  White, Josh SAIT 15 34 2.27
18  Boese, Kendell RDC 14 32 2.29
  Shafer, Markus GMU 20 32 1.60
20  Bakker, Eric RDC 18 31 1.72
  Brown, Tervil GPRC 11 31 2.82
  Lekas, Sander KING'S 20 31 1.55
23  Duce, Morgan Lethbridge 18 30 1.67
  Fralick, Reid CUCA 20 30 1.50
  Wohlgeshaffen, James BC 18 30 1.67
26  Crellin, Clayton NAIT 19 29 1.53
  McNee, Marcus Lakeland 20 29 1.45
28  Cox, Shane NAIT 18 28 1.56
  Saban, Corey NAIT 20 28 1.40
30  Martin, Dallon Lethbridge 15 27 1.80
BLOCK LEADERS - (North & South)
  Player Team GP BLOCKS Avg⁄G
Brave Rock, Jesse KC 19 54 2.84
Martin, Lee AUG 20 26 1.30
Coward, Dom Lethbridge 18 23 1.28
Barham, Louis KC 20 17 0.85
  Kohler, David MHC 17 17 1.00
Gordon, Fabian SAIT 17 14 0.82
  Reece, Shane NAIT 18 14 0.78
Bakker, Eric RDC 18 12 0.67
  Knight, Joe AUG 20 12 0.60
  Wenzel, Spencer Lethbridge 18 12 0.67
11  Cornish, Jared MRU 14 11 0.79
  McNee, Marcus Lakeland 20 11 0.55
13  Crellin, Clayton NAIT 19 10 0.53
  Nelson, Demaine KC 16 10 0.63
  Price, Matt KING'S 18 10 0.56
16  Myers, Matt BC 18 9 0.50
17  Batterham, Craig KING'S 20 8 0.40
  Burston, Andrew GPRC 20 8 0.40
  Fralick, Reid CUCA 20 8 0.40
  Keen, Roshean Lakeland 18 8 0.44
  Kong, Bol NAIT 20 8 0.40
22  Bates, Andrew GMU 20 7 0.35
  Childerhose, Gradyn BC 18 7 0.39
  Golden, Stason RDC 10 7 0.70
  States, Jawauwn NAIT 16 7 0.44
26  Jones, Mat CUCA 19 6 0.32
  Prijovic, Milos CUCA 20 6 0.30
  Shantz, David AUG 20 6 0.30
  Shaw, Adam RDC 18 6 0.33
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