Name MP GP Kills K⁄G Blocks B⁄G Aces A⁄G Digs D⁄G
Lee Woodward 18 58 238 4.10 25 0.43 8 0.14 40 0.69
Justin Andres 21 82 175 2.13 11 0.13 13 0.16 109 1.33
Drew Loehndorf 22 86 140 1.63 10 0.12 7 0.08 114 1.33
Richard Stevenson 22 86 140 1.63 31 0.36 24 0.28 112 1.30
Kyle deRoaldes 13 40 42 1.05 7 0.18 6 0.15 16 0.40
Dustin Evens 10 32 33 1.03 12 0.38 7 0.22 6 0.19
Catalin Ureche 14 53 33 0.62 30 0.57 10 0.19 20 0.38
James Holmes 22 81 32 0.40 23 0.28 27 0.33 108 1.33
Sheridan Siewert 22 71 27 0.38 2 0.03 6 0.08 70 0.99
Scott Rude 22 25 10 0.40 5 0.20 0 0.00 13 0.52
Totals 22 87 870 10.00 156 1.79 108 1.24 608 6.99
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