Female Recipient Male Recipient
2023-24 Ella Gifford - CUE Michael Valk - MHC 
2022-23 Ella Gifford - CUE Brodie Shields-Tyler - SAIT
2021-22 Kennedy Turcotte - CUE Jayden Dudas - MHC
2020-21 Sports cancelled due to COVID-19 Sports cancelled due to COVID-19
2019-20 Kassidy Turcotte - CUE  Justin Berget - GMU
2018-19 Becky Martin - MHC Michael Harrison - UAA
2017-18 Shaye Leidenius - RDC Michael Harrison - UAA
2016-17 Becky Martin - MHC Barrett Belland - GMU
2015-16 Elizabeth Stewart - GMU Braxton Fox - UAA
2014-15 Lisa Reid - LETH Justin Wood - LETH
2013-14 Megan Vermillion - GMU Kyle Morrison - RDC
2012-13 Sydney Johnson-Parker - GMU Adam Bruce - GMU
2011-12 Megan Vermillion - GMU Adam Bruce - GMU
2010-11 Madison Pedersen - MRU Nathan Schurr - MRU
2009-10 Caitlin Kelliher - RDC Phil Kondrak - MRU
2008-09 Lauren Diedrichs - UofC Eric Allard - UofC
2007-08 Kim Valleau - MRC  (155) Brett VanDenBossch - UofC  (145)
2006-07 *Not Awarded  
*Determined by low medallists
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